Your donation can make a difference in the lives of many!
At 25 years old, Alex has endured over 300 surgeries with no end in sight. And she is not alone. Teddy was diagnosed at 10 weeks and his parents are worried about what his future may hold. Bob was diagnosed at 50, and now has pulmonary involvement. RRP is a rare, life altering, complex disease. However, we are confident hope is right around the corner. And you have the power and opportunity to help us find a cure.
Even with today's advancements in technology and medicine, RRP is still predominantly being treated by repetitive and traumatic surgical intervention, which can forever alter a person's ability to breath and speak. As a rare and commonly misdiagnosed disease, RRP needs increased awareness and monetary support in order to fund promising research. The Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis Foundation and our community are on a mission to find a nonsurgical treatment option and ultimately a cure.
We are confident we can achieve our goals with ongoing support. We look forward to the day RRP is eradicated and forgotten, and until then, we are marching forward to improve the lives of our patients and caregivers. We are deeply grateful you are on this journey with us, and we thank you for your donation and support.
Together, we will improve the lives of the thousands who are suffering and will prevent others from fighting this battle.