Lisa & Jim Tansey

Lisa & Jim Tansey's Fundraiser

Help find a cure for RRP! image

Help find a cure for RRP!

Donate today to help fund RRP research proposals!


$3,779 towards $2,800

The RRPF has 4 promising research proposals we are hoping to fund to move us closer toward a cure for RRP. If we can find a cure for RRP in Eden's lifetime, my life will be complete.

These 4 proposals vary in cost from $50,000-200,000. As we celebrate Rare Disease Day, I'm hoping to raise $2800 in honor of 2/28 and secure 10 monthly recurring donors at any amount for the Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis Foundation. Can you help?

Any donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis Foundation. You can also sign up for a recurring donation, donating as little as $5/month.

All support and sharing of my fundraiser are deeply appreciated.

Thank you so much for your support.